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Pachypodium baronii · 巴氏棒槌/巴洛尼

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巴氏棒槌 | 巴洛尼

科属:夾竹桃科 |棒槌樹屬

原生地:馬達加斯加島的北部,北貝凡德里亞納( Befandriana Nord)至曼德里察拉(Mandritsara)

生长环境:生長在300 ~ 1200m, 生長在片麻岩坡地及花崗岩岩石區通常是全日照的環境,但有些會長在乾燥的溫帶落葉林中。

特色:• 刺:寬型圓錐狀,通常略帶彎曲,基部約有0 ~ 50cm寬,長度約為(2 ~) 6 ~ 8 (~ 9)cm,初生時通常為紅色的並帶有柔毛,不過之後就會變為光滑無毛的棕色。

葉片:在莖部頂端稀疏地長著,形狀介於橢圓和倒披針形之間,約有9 ~ 15cm長、4.5 ~ 6cm寬,草綠色,並在下方葉片帶有短柔毛。


編號 APD-05019-W
植物尺寸 :寬 15公分  38公分
狀態 :原生 已發根



IDPachypodium baronii

Family: Pachypodium | Apocynaceae

Native: Northern Madagascar, from Befandriana Nord to Mandritsara.

Habitat:  Grows at elevations of 300 to 1200 meters, typically on schist slopes and granite rock areas. It usually thrives in full sunlight environments but can also grow in dry temperate deciduous forests.

Features Stem: Wide conical shape, often slightly curved, with a base approximately 0 to 50 cm wide. Length ranges from 6 to 8 (up to 9) cm. When young, it is usually red and covered with soft hairs, but it later becomes smooth and hairless, turning brown.

Leaves: Sparse at the top of the stem, with a shape between elliptical and inverted lanceolate, measuring about 9 to 15 cm in length and 4.5 to 6 cm in width. They are grass-green and have short hairs on the lower side of the leaves.

science popularizationThis member of the Apocynaceae family was described by Julien Noël Costantin and Désiré Georges Jean Marie Bois in 1907. It is found on Madagascar, growing in a well drained soil with some water and lots of sun. The stem can grow up to 40 centimetres in diameter, the whole plant will reach one to three meters in height. The flowers are dark pink.

The genera name from Greek; pachys; 'thick' and Greek podion; 'small foot' for the thick caudiciform trunk, formed by some species. The species is named after Richard Baron, 1847-1907, a British botanist and missionary in Madagascar.

Code: APD-05019-W

Plant size: W 15cm H 38cm

Condition: Wild, stable roots

( Time taken : 24-02-2024 
